Privacy policy - UK Battery Repairs

Respecting privacy and safeguarding personal data.

We envision a global economy where businesses operate as agents of positive change, benefiting all stakeholders. Our focus lies in reclaiming valuable materials from Lithium-Ion batteries, not merely as a profit-driven venture but as a sustainable endeavor that nurtures our planet and its inhabitants.

We advocate for a paradigm shift where recycling becomes economically rewarding for individuals, ensuring that it surpasses the cost of extracting raw materials from the earth. Moreover, our approach to reclaiming raw materials prioritises environmental and social sustainability, striving to minimise adverse impacts on both the planet and its people.

Our core activities involve:

  • Recycling useful materials from urban waste (Urban Mining) and facilitating end-to-end circular and logistic processes in the realm of Lithium Ion batteries (Reversed logistics).

  • Providing guidance and services pertaining to safe handling, compliance with legal regulations, and administrative procedures concerning Lithium Ion batteries and other battery waste logistics.

Data, individuals, and society

Through conscientious decisions regarding electronic waste, we endeavor to contribute to a fairer, greener, and more humane economy and society. Recognising the transformative power of data, we aim to leverage it for understanding and addressing societal challenges.

Data holds the potential to illuminate insights into our world and human behaviour, enabling us to prevent waste, minimise costs, and foster societal progress. For instance, by analysing diverse datasets, manufacturers can optimise inventory management, reducing food wastage. Similarly, personalised medicine utilises personal data to tailor treatments, enhancing efficacy and minimising side effects.

However, we acknowledge the dual nature of data, understanding that while it can enrich lives, its misuse can have detrimental effects.

Data practices

Data serves as a cornerstone for improving our organisation's services and operations. By harnessing insights derived from data analysis, we aim to enhance service quality, mitigate risks, and innovate for the betterment of individuals' lives. Nonetheless, we recognise the sensitivity of personal data and its implications for privacy.

Principles guiding our approach to data usage and privacy:

  1. Legal and regulatory compliance: Upholding the principles of fairness, legitimacy, and transparency in data processing, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

  2. Positive Sum: Striving for a balance between the interests of data utilisation and privacy, ensuring benefits accrue to individuals and society.

  3. Respect for human dignity and individuality: Recognising the intrinsic value of each individual beyond their data footprint.

  4. Transparency and openness: Maintaining transparency in our data practices, ensuring clarity and accessibility to stakeholders.

  5. Personal autonomy: Empowering individuals with control over their personal data through informed choices and meaningful consent.

  6. Context sensitivity: Acknowledging the contextual nuances of data usage and processing, to prevent unintended consequences.

  7. Limitation of purposes: Collecting and utilising personal data solely for legitimate and specified purposes, avoiding incompatible uses.

  8. Data minimisation: Collecting only the necessary personal data required for specific purposes, ensuring relevance and adequacy.

  9. Accuracy: Ensuring the accuracy and currency of personal data, with provisions for individuals to update their information.

  10. Retention period: Adhering to defined retention periods for personal data, deleting or anonymising data when no longer necessary.

  11. Integrity and confidentiality: Implementing robust security measures to safeguard personal data against unauthorised access or disclosure.

By adhering to these principles, we strive to uphold privacy and data protection while harnessing the transformative potential of data for societal benefit.

UK Battery Repairs - 2024